I (Jirde) was educated in Somalia and Canada. I was the Founder of the Algonquin College
Somali Students Association (ACSSA) which is a solely cultural club with the following purposes: to foster
friendship among students interested in Somalian culture and to promote cultural exchange between Somalian students at
Algonquin College and students from other Provinces in Canada and around the world.
I am currently employed by the City of Ottawa as a Youth Programmer since 1996, I have coached
both boys and girls in Basketball and Soccer from ages of 9-20 years old.
I also worked at Algonquin College Athletic Department for approximately 3 years.
I was hired as an official referee in Algonquin College recreational leagues and became an asset to their organization.
Algonquin College Athletic Department is a busy facility that relies heavily on the
team work of their staff. I am one of their strongest team members and very conscientious, hardworking and reliable leader.
My enthusiasm and friendly approach to my responsibilities are reflected in my position and the positive response that I receive
from staff and students.
I have also, worked Carlington Community and Health Services as Youth Promotion, I have done
many Volunteers with Carling Community and Health Services. In 2000 to 2001 I was member of the board my
duties was to develop policies, procedures and regulation for the operation. Also, monitor finance of the organization and
its programs and performance.
While working under the Carlington Community and Health Services, I was honour to have the
chance to participate a program that was design for conflict resolution which gives an opportunity for 24 kids with 24 cops
in two days consultation on conflict resolution in a police/community environment. This was done by Ottawa-Carleton
Police. This took place in August 6, 1997 at Algonquin College.
Since arriving in Canada in 1992, I have worked with several organizations including:
- City of Ottawa as a Youth Worker
- Carlington Community & Health Services as a Board Member
- Founder of Somali Students Association at Algonquin College